Friday, July 11, 2008

Journal #5

The narrowed purpose of my research paper is to inform Americans living in the western United States about the Yellowstone supervolcano. Of course my audience is then Americans living in the western United States. I believe that this is the best audience for my topic because many people living in the western part of the United States don't know about the dangers of Yellowstone. Instead, they focus mostly on major earthquakes caused by the San Andreas Fault.

After reading the major research i have done for this paper, I think i have enough information to back up the topics i would like to disscuss in my paper. I also don't think i will have problems with length either. I have a pretty good idea of what i want to talk about considering my audience.

I would like to disscuss:
1)What a supervolcano is and it's elements
2)The history of Yellowstone's past eruptions
3)The warning signs of a future eruption and amount of damage possible
4)Is America prepared and what Americans should do before, during, and after a volcanic eruption.

A possible thesis statement would be: Many Americans living in the western part of the United States are not informed about the Yellowstone supervolcano. What these Americans should know is what a supervolcano is, the history of Yellowstone's past eruptions, warning signs to look out for, and steps to prepare and survive a major eruption.

1 comment:

jenn stewart said...

Looks solid, though the thesis reads a bit clunkily--but it's early.