Thursday, July 17, 2008

Journal #6

I feel that i am right where i need to be right now. My draft of my research paper is coming along. slowly but surely :) but it's coming. I am having trouble with my conclusion but i'm sure i can get some good feedback from my classmates to help me out. I am a little skeptical about my introduction. Christine and Brittney said it was good but i am not completely satisfied with it just yet.

As for my annotated bibliography i feel pretty good about it. I am done researching and i sumitted my annotated bib through email and expect a good response (hopefully). And my Rhetorical Analysis still needs to be revised and sumitted into Jenn. However, the first draft was pretty good. I just need to explain some points more clearly and add some comments here and there.

I am really happy about how the work shops we are doing the next couple of weeks. I think it is cool that i can get feedback from every single person in the class. I am also curious to see what everyone has to say about their topic. And also i would like to see how people react to my topic and my research paper.

So, after all that said, i think i'm in a pretty good spot right now. I just need to revise, revise, revise. As for the portfolio due in less than a month, i'm not too shocked. I think i have it under control

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