Friday, July 25, 2008

Journal #7

Well the end is finally here. I would have to say that I think i'm in an okay spot right now. I am moving down to purdue on the 9th so I do not work anymore after today so i will have plenty of time to work on my papers. I thought i was done with my annotated bibliography but i heard Jenn say in class to Brittney that an A-type annotated bibliography was around 22 sources. and i definatly only have about 12. however, after i put in my interviews and charts for my paper, i think i should be okay. Another thing i know i have to get done is revising my Rhetorical Analysis. As for my research paper, my draft is due tuesday for the workshop so i think i will be okay. I hoping for really good feedback from my classmates. I hope to get the most help with my citations. I do not know if i cite everything right in MLA. I guess what is left is to get everything together for my portfolio. I really hope to get a good grade in this class. I have tried hard to make my drafts great so my polished material will be A-quality. Today i plan on making my introduction and first section perfect for peer review. For tommorrow, i plan on making my conclusion perfect. Then on monday i will do a final read and fix any last minute problems. I'm really excited for people to read this paper because alot of people don't know what exactly is going on with yellowstone's volcano. I think it will really shock them! Plus i need some major help with citation. I have read some pretty good drafts in class, especally the alzteimers' ones, and i hope i can get awesome feedback because i have been giving some really good feedback for the others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good good good......