Friday, June 27, 2008

Journal #3

I did not see a journal prompt for this week and i have to leave for work in half an hour! Today i will just talk about my progress with my research and rhetorical analysis.

As for researching for my final project, i'm not doing so well. I an definately a slaker and i put things off til the end. However i have tommorrow off of work and my main objective (besides cleaning my room) is to: 1) look for anymore sources i want 2) polish my anotated bibliography 3) read through my short sources and annotate them 4) glance through my longer sources 5) begin to outline what i want to say in my rhetorical analysis paper and 6) possibly write my midterm paper.

Whew! that's alot to do! But i realize that i really need to get this done because in class on thursday jenn mentioned that our first draft for our final paper is due! I am not even close to being prepared for writing a first draft! I wonder if i'm where i'm supposed to be right now. I feel i'm just a little bit behind but i could be wrong.

I think that writing the midterm is a good idea so i can get an idea of where i am at in the course. I don't think my letter grade transfers over to purdue. I believe just the credit does, however I want to still get an A in the course because it will make me feel good.

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