Thursday, June 19, 2008

Journal # 2

Audience Ideas:

1) educated geologists with interest in volcanoes
2) geology majors
3) general public
4) Yellowstone tourists

Each audience i have listed above would mean different tones, details, and topics that i would use for my final paper.

If i were to choose geologists as my audience i wouldn't need as much detail in my paper because they would know what the terms mean and possibly know a lot about the topic already. The tone would be extremely formal and educate. I would talk about more precise ideas instead of broad general terms. If i wrote to educated geologists i would have to choose a side on the theories of Yellowstone and i would much rather write about both sides.

If i were to choose geology majors for my audience, it would be a little less formal since i would be talking to students my own age. However my tone will still have to be educate. I would have to go into a lot of detail to explain my thoughts because some students might not know much about Yellowstone or volcanoes. I could debate about the different theories behind Yellowstone future. I would enjoy writing to peers.

If i wrote to a general public, I would have to introduce exactly what a super volcano is and how it works. I would have to engage my reader because i want to catch their interest especially if they are not interested in science. I would also need to touch on more topics and go into more detail in order for any random person to understand what I'm trying to get across. I could write about emergency steps one should take if Yellowstone would explode in the near future.

I think if i choose Yellowstone tourists as my audience I would have more fun writing my paper. Topics i would touch on are: 1)Yellowstone's past 2) what is a super volcano? 3) Is visiting Yellowstone safe? 4) What precautions should tourists take? 5) When to take cover 6) Yellowstone's future. However if i did choose this audience i wouldn't be writing exactly what i wanted to write about; Theories behind Yellowstone's next eruption.

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