Friday, June 13, 2008

journal #1

The topic that was chosen for me was the yellowstone super volcano. I have found alot of information about this topic including books and articles. Some questions that i would like answered for my research are 1) what exactly would happen to the Earth if Yellowstone exploded today? 2) Would humans or any life be able to survive the blast? 3) Can scientists prevent Yellowstone from erupting?

I have found very good websites that go along with my topic and they are .org and .gov websites now am I able to use this websites for my final paper?

Also i found a great article linked to a National Geographic website called "Yellowstone is Rising on Swollen 'Super Volcano'". Through JSTOR i also found many helpful articles and journals to read. Through IUCAT and the Allen County Public Library i found lots of books that have great material that would help me with my final research paper.

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