Friday, June 27, 2008

Journal #3

I did not see a journal prompt for this week and i have to leave for work in half an hour! Today i will just talk about my progress with my research and rhetorical analysis.

As for researching for my final project, i'm not doing so well. I an definately a slaker and i put things off til the end. However i have tommorrow off of work and my main objective (besides cleaning my room) is to: 1) look for anymore sources i want 2) polish my anotated bibliography 3) read through my short sources and annotate them 4) glance through my longer sources 5) begin to outline what i want to say in my rhetorical analysis paper and 6) possibly write my midterm paper.

Whew! that's alot to do! But i realize that i really need to get this done because in class on thursday jenn mentioned that our first draft for our final paper is due! I am not even close to being prepared for writing a first draft! I wonder if i'm where i'm supposed to be right now. I feel i'm just a little bit behind but i could be wrong.

I think that writing the midterm is a good idea so i can get an idea of where i am at in the course. I don't think my letter grade transfers over to purdue. I believe just the credit does, however I want to still get an A in the course because it will make me feel good.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Journal # 2

Audience Ideas:

1) educated geologists with interest in volcanoes
2) geology majors
3) general public
4) Yellowstone tourists

Each audience i have listed above would mean different tones, details, and topics that i would use for my final paper.

If i were to choose geologists as my audience i wouldn't need as much detail in my paper because they would know what the terms mean and possibly know a lot about the topic already. The tone would be extremely formal and educate. I would talk about more precise ideas instead of broad general terms. If i wrote to educated geologists i would have to choose a side on the theories of Yellowstone and i would much rather write about both sides.

If i were to choose geology majors for my audience, it would be a little less formal since i would be talking to students my own age. However my tone will still have to be educate. I would have to go into a lot of detail to explain my thoughts because some students might not know much about Yellowstone or volcanoes. I could debate about the different theories behind Yellowstone future. I would enjoy writing to peers.

If i wrote to a general public, I would have to introduce exactly what a super volcano is and how it works. I would have to engage my reader because i want to catch their interest especially if they are not interested in science. I would also need to touch on more topics and go into more detail in order for any random person to understand what I'm trying to get across. I could write about emergency steps one should take if Yellowstone would explode in the near future.

I think if i choose Yellowstone tourists as my audience I would have more fun writing my paper. Topics i would touch on are: 1)Yellowstone's past 2) what is a super volcano? 3) Is visiting Yellowstone safe? 4) What precautions should tourists take? 5) When to take cover 6) Yellowstone's future. However if i did choose this audience i wouldn't be writing exactly what i wanted to write about; Theories behind Yellowstone's next eruption.

Friday, June 13, 2008

journal #1 continued

Since i am not researching Yellowstone National Park, narrowing my topic should be no problem. I would like to talk mostly about why scientists think Yellowstone could erupt soon and i would also like to touch on the extend of damage Yellowstone could do if it did explode.

Key words that would be useful to use are: 1) the Yellowstone volcano 2) Yellowstone super volcano 3) Yellowstone land deformation and 4) Yellowstone earthquakes

journal #1

The topic that was chosen for me was the yellowstone super volcano. I have found alot of information about this topic including books and articles. Some questions that i would like answered for my research are 1) what exactly would happen to the Earth if Yellowstone exploded today? 2) Would humans or any life be able to survive the blast? 3) Can scientists prevent Yellowstone from erupting?

I have found very good websites that go along with my topic and they are .org and .gov websites now am I able to use this websites for my final paper?

Also i found a great article linked to a National Geographic website called "Yellowstone is Rising on Swollen 'Super Volcano'". Through JSTOR i also found many helpful articles and journals to read. Through IUCAT and the Allen County Public Library i found lots of books that have great material that would help me with my final research paper.